The Jindosh Riddle as a Boolean Satisfiability Problem

Solving any version of the Jindosh Riddle from the video game Dishonored 2.

Jun 12, 2021

If you just want to generate a solution to the riddle instead of reading about the implementation, click here. Otherwise read on!

The Jindosh Riddle

At the dinner party were Lady Winslow, Doctor Marcolla, Countess Contee, Madam Natsiou, and Baroness Finch.

The women sat in a row. They all wore different colors and Doctor Marcolla wore a jaunty white hat. Baroness Finch was at the far left, next to the guest wearing a blue jacket. The lady in red sat left of someone in green. I remember that red outfit because the woman spilled her absinthe all over it. The traveler from Karnaca was dressed entirely in purple. When one of the dinner guests bragged about her Ring, the woman next to her said they were finer in Karnaca, where she lived.

So Countess Contee showed off a prized Snuff Tin, at which the lady from Baleton scoffed, saying it was no match for her Diamond. Someone else carried a valuable War Medal and when she saw it, the visitor from Dabokva next to her almost spilled her neighbor's rum. Madam Natsiou raised her wine in toast. The lady from Fraeport, full of whiskey, jumped up onto the table falling onto the guest in the center seat, spilling the poor woman's beer. Then Lady Winslow captivated them all with a story about her wild youth in Dunwall.

In the morning there were four heirlooms under the table: the Ring, Bird Pendant, the Diamond, and the War Medal.

But who owned each?

The solution to this riddle is required to advance to the next level. You have two choices to find the solution:

  1. Waste an enormous amount of time trying to solve the riddle for yourself.
  2. Actually play the game to find a note containing the solution.

This wouldn't be a very good blog post if I took the latter option.

An interesting feature of this riddle is that it is different for each playthrough of the game. The position of each person at the table, the colour of their dress, the drink they have, and a couple of other properties change depending on what version of the riddle you get. This means that there is no single solution that will work for everyone's playthrough. To keep this post simple, we'll focus on modelling the version of the riddle above (though the approach can easily be extended to deal with any version).

In essence, the Jindosh Riddle specifies that there are numerous items at fixed positions with various spatial relationships between them. As we'll see throughout this post, this makes it a great candidate for modelling as a Boolean satisfiability problem in order to derive a solution.

What is a Boolean Satisfiability Problem (SAT)?

Imagine we have two Boolean variables AA and BB, and a formula FF which uses these variables. The goal is to find the values of AA and BB that make FF true. If there exists values that can make FF true, we say that FF is satisfiable. An example of a satisfiable formula is the logical AND (written \land) of these variables:

F=ABF = A \land B

If all variables are true, then FF evaluates to true, making FF satisfiable. However, if we append a false to this formula:

F=AB0F = A \land B \land 0

FF will always evaluate to false making this formula unsatisfiable. Solving a Boolean satisfiability problem can thus be broken down into two parts:

  1. Can the formula FF ever evaluate to true (i.e. is it satisfiable)?
  2. If it can, what values of AA and BB cause it to be true?

SAT Solvers

SAT is an NP-complete problem. A key characteristic of NP-complete problems is that only algorithms with exponential worst-case complexity are known for solving them. When solving NP-complete problems involving potentially thousands of variables and conditions, conventional algorithmic approaches become impractical to use.

In spite of this, efficient algorithms have been developed for SAT which can scale to solve problems involving a high number of variables and constraints. An example of a collection of such algorithms is the SAT solver MiniSAT.

MiniSAT is a small but efficient SAT solver which accepts formulas expressed in conjunctive normal form (CNF), and outputs whether the formula is satisfiable or not along with the values which satisfy the formula.

Boolean formulas expressed in CNF consist of a conjunction (logical AND written as \land) of clauses, with each clause being a disjunction (logical OR written as \lor) of literals. Some examples of formulas in CNF include:

  • (AB)(CD)(A \lor B) \land (C \lor D)
  • (AB)C(A \lor B) \land C
  • (AB)(A \lor B)
  • AA

Few problems can be naturally expressed in CNF, and the Jindosh Riddle is no exception. We could apply De Morgan's laws to express it in this way, though we'd still have to convert it to the DIMACS file format expected by MiniSAT.

Rather than wasting time performing these steps, we will use Logic Solver. Logic Solver is responsible for taking arbitrary Boolean formulas and converting these into CNF. Internally, Logic Solver uses MiniSAT to determine satisfiability and the values in a solution.

Modelling the Jindosh Riddle using SAT

When modelling a Boolean satisfiability problem, there are two key components we need to consider:

  1. What are the variables?
  2. What are the constraints on those variables?

Variables are the unknowns in the problem. The goal of solving the problem is to assign a value to each of these variables. In the formula F=ABF = A \land B, the variables we would need to find values for are AA and BB. In the Jindosh Riddle, the variables we want to find values for are the people who own each heirloom. However, these are not the only variables we can use to find a solution.

A constraint defines the allowed combination of values for a set of variables. In the formula F=ABF = A \land B, the variables AA and BB are both constrained to be true by the \land relationship. An example of a constraint in the Jindosh Riddle is:

Baroness Finch was at the far left

This constraint specifies that the variable representing the person at the far left of the table must have a value which is equal to the value representing Baroness Finch. As we will see later in this post, we can express statements like these as a Boolean formula.

The Jindosh Riddle Formula


Logic Solver's Solver is used to maintain a list of formulas that must be true (or false), which you can think of as a list of constraints. Each Solver instance embeds a self-contained MiniSat instance, which learns and remembers facts that are derived from the constraints.

const solver = new Logic.Solver();

When we define constraints later, we will add them to this solver instance.


The first thing to consider is how we represent the variables in the Jindosh Riddle. We know that there are five seats at the table, and that each seat will have one item from the following categories:

  • A person
  • A city of residence
  • A colour of clothing
  • A drink
  • An heirloom

If we were to visualise this, it would look something like this:

Seat 0

Seat 1

Seat 2

Seat 3

Seat 4






Solving the Jindosh Riddle is therefore just a problem of deciding what values go where in this grid. Though what values will we use?

When modelling a problem such as this, we tend to use integer variables. More specifically, we can uniquely represent each item in the five identified categories using unique integer values as IDs. For example, if we were to do this for each person:

const winslow = Logic.constantBits(0); // winslow = 0 const marcolla = Logic.constantBits(1); // marcolla = 1 const contee = Logic.constantBits(2); // contee = 2 const natsiou = Logic.constantBits(3); // natsiou = 3 const finch = Logic.constantBits(4); // finch = 4

This means we can represent each category as an integer array with five unique values representing each item at a particular seat. However, we have no way of knowing where these values will end up in each array without solving the problem first. With Logic Solver, we model such an array like so (using people as an example):

const person0 = Logic.variableBits("person0", 3); const person1 = Logic.variableBits("person1", 3); const person2 = Logic.variableBits("person2", 3); const person3 = Logic.variableBits("person3", 3); const person4 = Logic.variableBits("person4", 3); const peopleVars = [person0, person1, person2, person3, person4];

In essence, this simply creates an array with space for five integers. This is repeated for every category until there are five variable arrays:

  • peopleVars
  • colorVars
  • drinkVars
  • cityVars
  • heirloomVars

Integers!? Those aren't Boolean Variables

You may have noticed the strange syntax for creating an integer variable:

const variable = Logic.variableBits("label", 3);

With Logic Solver, integer variables are represented as a group of bits. In the example above, we're defining a variable which can hold a value consisting of 3 bits. Each of these bits can be treated as a Boolean variable, allowing their use in a Boolean formula. For example, if we wanted an integer variable XX to be equal to the number 2 (with bits 010010), we'd write a Boolean formula such as this:

F=¬X0X1¬X3F = \neg X_0 \land X_1 \land \neg X_3

Thankfully, Logic Solver abstracts all of this complexity away for us. We can use its API to express constraints on integer variables using operators such as equality or greater/less-than without worrying about how to map these to the individual bits as a Boolean formula.

You may wonder why only 3 bits are used to represent our integer variables. Given that we are mapping each item to an integer value ID in the 0-4 range for each category, we only need 3 bits to represent all of these values.

Bounded Domain

The first constraint to apply to the integer variables within an array is to specify a bounded domain. This will ensure that the integer values found in a solution are within the [0,4][0, 4] range. These values can then be associated with the item IDs we are using. Without this, incorrect solutions containing values such as 55, 66, or 77 would be considered valid (since these values can also be represented with 3 bits).

const lessThanOrEqual = (vars, upperBound) => { for (let i = 0; i < vars.length; i++) { solver.require(Logic.lessThanOrEqual(vars[i], upperBound)); } }; const upperBound = Logic.constantBits(4); lessThanOrEqual(peopleVars, upperBound); lessThanOrEqual(colorVars, upperBound); lessThanOrEqual(drinkVars, upperBound); lessThanOrEqual(cityVars, upperBound); lessThanOrEqual(heirloomVars, upperBound);

Distinct Values

We want to ensure that each item can only be present at one seat. To do so, we specify that the values in each category array must be different from one another (i.e. they must all be unique). We can specify this constraint as:

const allDifferent = (vars) => { for (let i = 0; i < vars.length; i++) { for (let j = 0; j < vars.length; j++) { if (i !== j) { solver.forbid(Logic.equalBits(vars[i], vars[j])); } } } }; allDifferent(peopleVars); allDifferent(colorVars); allDifferent(drinkVars); allDifferent(cityVars); allDifferent(heirloomVars);

Items with Specified Positions

In the riddle, the positions of a few items are given. One example of this is:

Baroness Finch was at the far left, next to the guest wearing a blue jacket.

We treat the first index in the arrays as the far left side of the table, and the last index as the far right side. We use this to constrain the value of the integer at index 0 in the peopleVars array to the integer value representing Baroness Finch:

solver.require(Logic.equalBits(peopleVars[0], finch));

Given that Baroness Finch is at index 0, the integer value representing the blue jacket can only be at index 1 in the colorVars array:

solver.require(Logic.equalBits(colorVars[1], blue));

Another clue gives the location of a drink at the table:

...falling onto the guest in the center seat, spilling the poor woman's beer.

We constrain the value at index 2 in the drinksVar array to be equal to the integer value representing the beer:

solver.require(Logic.equalBits(drinkVars[2], beer));

If we visualise the effect of these constraints on the values in our grid:

Seat 0

Seat 1

Seat 2

Seat 3

Seat 4









Unfortunately, these are the only constraints which concretely tell us where each item is at the table. However, we can use information about the relative positioning of items to work out a unique solution.

Items at the Same Table Position

Throughout the riddle, associations are made between the positions of items in different categories with statements such as:

Doctor Marcolla wore a jaunty white hat.

I remember that red outfit because the woman spilled her absinthe all over it.

The traveler from Karnaca was dressed entirely in purple.

While we can't pinpoint the precise position of these items at the table, we know that they will be at the same position. For example, we know that Doctor Marcolla and the white hat will be at the same position. What we mean by this is that the value representing Doctor Marcolla in the peopleVars array will have the same index as the value representing white in the colorVars array. If we were to express this for index 0 only (the left-most seat), it would look like this:

Logic.and( Logic.equalBits(varsA[0], white), Logic.equalBits(varsB[0], marcolla) )

To apply this constraint for all indices, we simply OR this constraint over all possible positions. We can express this as a generic constraint like so:

const requireMatchesAtSameIndex = (varsA, valueA, varsB, valueB) => { solver.require( Logic.or( Logic.and( Logic.equalBits(varsA[0], valueA), Logic.equalBits(varsB[0], valueB) ), Logic.and( Logic.equalBits(varsA[1], valueA), Logic.equalBits(varsB[1], valueB) ), Logic.and( Logic.equalBits(varsA[2], valueA), Logic.equalBits(varsB[2], valueB) ), Logic.and( Logic.equalBits(varsA[3], valueA), Logic.equalBits(varsB[3], valueB) ), Logic.and( Logic.equalBits(varsA[4], valueA), Logic.equalBits(varsB[4], valueB) ) ) ); };

We can then apply this constraint for every item which belongs at the same position at the table. For the three statements mentioned previously:

// Doctor Marcolla wore a jaunty white hat. requireMatchesAtSameIndex(colorVars, white, peopleVars, marcolla); // I remember that red outfit because the woman spilled her absinthe // all over it. requireMatchesAtSameIndex(drinkVars, absinthe, colorVars, red); // The traveler from Karnaca was dressed entirely in purple. requireMatchesAtSameIndex(colorVars, purple, cityVars, karnaca);

In total, there are 8 statements in the riddle which constrain two items to be in the same place as one another. See if you can spot the other five!

The Colours Next to Each Other

The lady in red sat left of someone in green.

Implementing this constraint follows the same reasoning with which we implemented the previous constraint. However, instead of constraining the red and green values to exist at the same index, we constrain the colour red to be at any possible i-1th index (left) of green:

solver.require( Logic.or( Logic.and( Logic.equalBits(colorVars[0], red), Logic.equalBits(colorVars[1], green) ), Logic.and( Logic.equalBits(colorVars[1], red), Logic.equalBits(colorVars[2], green) ), Logic.and( Logic.equalBits(colorVars[2], red), Logic.equalBits(colorVars[3], green) ), Logic.and( Logic.equalBits(colorVars[3], red), Logic.equalBits(colorVars[4], green) ) ) );

Items Beside Each Other at the Table

Someone else carried a valuable War Medal and when she saw it, the visitor from Dabokva next to her...

...the visitor from Dabokva next to her almost spilled her neighbor's rum.

When one of the dinner guests bragged about her Ring, the woman next to her said they were finer in Karnaca, where she lived.

These statements all indicate that the mentioned items are beside each other at the table. This constraint is a little trickier to write but is simply an extension of the previous constraint. Instead of constraining an item to be on one side of another item only, we extend it to allow another item to exist on either side (but not both sides - this would conflict with the allDifferent constraint we applied previously and would result in no viable solutions). Taking the Ring and Karnaca as an example:

Logic.and( Logic.equalBits(heirloomVars[i], ring), Logic.or( Logic.equalBits(cityVars[i-1], karnaca), Logic.equalBits(cityVars[i+1], karnaca) ) );

This constraint covers most of the table but not all of it. We can't use this constraint for edge positions as i-1 or i+1 would exceed the bounds of the variable array. This would leave us with two seats at which the ring can never exist (according to our constraints). To account for these edge cases, we can use the following constraints:

// Constraint for the ring at the left-most seat, with the person // from Karnaca to its right. Logic.and( Logic.equalBits(heirloomVars[0], ring), Logic.equalBits(cityVars[1], karnaca) ); // OR constraint for the ring at the right-most seat, with the person // from Karnaca to its left. Logic.and( Logic.equalBits(heirloomVars[4], ring), Logic.equalBits(cityVars[3], karnaca) );

We can combine all of these constraints to give us a generic method for constraining two items of different categories to be beside each other at the table:

const requireMatchesWithinSingleIndex = (varsA, valueA, varsB, valueB) => { solver.require( Logic.or( Logic.and( Logic.equalBits(varsA[0], valueA), Logic.equalBits(varsB[1], valueB) ), Logic.and( Logic.equalBits(varsA[1], valueA), Logic.or( Logic.equalBits(varsB[0], valueB), Logic.equalBits(varsB[2], valueB) ) ), Logic.and( Logic.equalBits(varsA[2], valueA), Logic.or( Logic.equalBits(varsB[1], valueB), Logic.equalBits(varsB[3], valueB) ) ), Logic.and( Logic.equalBits(varsA[3], valueA), Logic.or( Logic.equalBits(varsB[2], valueB), Logic.equalBits(varsB[4], valueB) ) ), Logic.and( Logic.equalBits(varsA[4], valueA), Logic.equalBits(varsB[3], valueB) ) ) ); };

This can then be applied to the relevant statements from the riddle:

// Someone else carried a valuable War Medal and when she saw it, // the visitor from Dabokva next to her... requireMatchesWithinSingleIndex(heirloomVars, warMedal, cityVars, dabokva); // ...the visitor from Dabokva next to her almost spilled her // neighbor's rum. requireMatchesWithinSingleIndex(cityVars, dabokva, drinkVars, rum); // When one of the dinner guests bragged about her Ring, the woman // next to her said they were finer in Karnaca, where she lived. requireMatchesWithinSingleIndex(heirloomVars, ring, cityVars, karnaca);

The Solution

Calling solver.solve() will find the first solution which satisfies all the specified constraints, or it will determine that no such solution is possible based off of our constraints. You might have guessed that a solution does exist:

  • Baroness Finch owns the War Medal
  • Madam Natsiou owns the Ring
  • Doctor Marcolla owns the Diamond
  • Lady Winslow owns the Bird Pendant
  • Countess Contee owns the Snuff Tin

While we've focused our approach on solving one version of the riddle, you can easily use this approach to solve any version. The only aspect of the riddle that changes is the item at a specific position. Therefore a flexible solver can be implemented by leaving the choice of the item up to the user. Our constraints will take care of the rest!

Try it Out!

I have implemented a small demo which implements the solver using the techniques discussed in this blog post. You can use it to solve any version of the Jindosh Riddle you find posted online (or while playing Dishonored 2). For convenience, the demo allows you to generate the version of the riddle at the beginning of this blog post so that you can see how it works.

Alternatively, if you're interested in seeing the full implementation, you can find the source code of the solver used for the demo here.